
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stash Report

Nothing used this week and nothing purchased either.  I'm trying to figure out how I will add what I'm inheriting from my mother's stash within the next few weeks to my counts or if I need to add them as she purchased them and my sisters and I will be dividing them up.  This has been very hard to do.  My one sister lives in NC and the other lives within a twenty minute drive. The NC sister will be coming and going for a week at a time.  We have started looking at mom's stash and are going to divide it equally.  We are taking items home to finish that mom started.  Rough times ahead for all of us as we go thru mom's things and start deciding what will happen to things.  Dad wants nothing to do with her sewing room.  He will not let her new machine go though.  I think that he should keep it there as he knows how to sew and can use it to do repairs.  

Used this Week:              0 yards
Used year to Date:          19.5 yards
Added this Week:            0 yards
Added Year to Date:       18.25 yards
Net Used for 2011:          1.25 yards

To see what others have used in their stash, please visit Judy L's site Patchwork Times.


  1. Life can be hard at times. Later, tho, you will look at that fabric fondly and remember good times.

  2. I sympathize. My mother has dementia and I had to move her into a care facility. I am now going through all of her stuff from her apartment, plus I still have a house full of stuff to go through from before we moved her into assisted living.

    It's painful in ways words can't describe. Hang in there. It won't always be this way.
