
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Busy Week (long)

It has been a very busy week. I even managed to do some quilting! Sunday I went to Modern Quilt Club. We had a guest speaker that was fabulous! After an hour drive to get home, I stopped to get gas for my Subaru. I'm looking at the sky and it is weird looking. I finish filling it, get back into my car and it starts rocking. The wind is gusting 60 - 70 mph. Then it starts hailing! I back up a little to protect my car behind the building. In a few minutes time,  the temperature had dropped 25 degrees.  Now it was starting to snow with the wind. I decided to take my chances and drive the last 5 miles home.
I get home and discover that the power has gone out. Great. What to do about dinner? Hubby decides that we are going out as he doesn't believe me how crappy it was out. After a few near misses with tree branches and power lines, we make it to our local Cracker Barrel. We enjoy breakfast and head back out into the storm. The snow is really starting to pick up. The power is still out so I head for bed.
I get up Monday and the power is back on.  Yeah! We only got a few inches of snow but we are under a lake effect snow warning. I make sure that we have food for us and the pets, propane and charcoal(heat and cooking). I try to quilt some butterflies on a practice piece so that I can quilt a top that I showed on my design wall. I'm just not happy with the design I'm trying to do.Hubby comes in and we work out a butterfly that I can continuously quilt. I'm happy until the power goes out again. I can't post anything and can't sew. Off to bed early again.
Tuesday arrives with cold and no water. The pump has frozen in the well. Now I have to figure out how to do things without water.  I call a few different people and get a few ideas on how to get the pump working again. We finally have water at 4pm. I go to take a shower as I have quilt guild.  Hubby calls from work and reminds me to turn the water heater back on. He shut it off for some reason. I wait for the water to get hot, shower and go to my meeting. It is snowing again.
Wednesday when I get up, we have 7 inches of snow.  It is still coming down. My son calls me and tells me that he will be by soon to plow the driveway so I don't have to go out and snow blow. I go out and shovel the sidewalk and patio. 4 times I ended up shoveling. Grand total 13 inches of snow. I fall asleep shortly after dinner. Hubby wakes me up and I go to bed.
Thursday was a run day. Friday ends up being a run day also.
Today, I pack up my quilting stuff and head to where we have out meetings. We had a sewing day. I had managed to make lemon bars and take them with me. We are making honor flight quilts for the vets as they go to Washington, DC or Hawaii. We have enough blocks for 4 tops done. It was a good day of sewing for 6 of us. We only need 4 more blocks and there will be a fifth top done.  That is my goal for tomorrow.

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