
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 Monochromatic Challenge

I signed up to try Judy Laquidara's 2011 Monochromatic Challenge Basically on the last day of the month, Judy draws a number and the corresponding number and color are to be used for a quilt, pillowcase, table runner, etc... You can use as much of the chosen color as you would like.  It doesn't have to be all one fabric as long as it is the correct color. So I could use up some of the purples that seem to multiplying in their tote.  We can also add a background color, such as white, cream, black or whatever. 
I think that this will be a fun challenge.  Some of the colors I don't have in my stash, so I may have to ask a few of my friends for that color or take the ultimate sacrifice and go shopping.  I don't seem to have yellow or indigo in my stash.

Here is the list of colors:

1. Red
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Blue
6. Indigo
7. Violet
8. Pink 
9. Brown

We will be doing this Jan. - Sept., Oct. will be a two color quilt, and Nov. will be black and white and a color.  We will take Dec. off.
I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

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