
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stash Report

No sewing or quilting for me this week, just too busy with the grandchildren.  I hope they all get healthy soon!  I did not buy anything at the quilt show last weekend as I didn't have time to visit the vendors.  I did see the show though and there is a lot of talented women in the guild. 
I did make a purchase this week.  I had a quilt that needed a new back.  I had started quilting it and the back just didn't work for me.  So I took it all apart and I bought fabric that was in the front of the quilt to go on the back.  It looks better to me already.  Now to get it quilted and bound.

Used this Week:                       0 yards
Used year to Date:                2.5 yards
Added this Week:                    3 yards
Added Year to Date:                3 yards
Net Used for 2013:                -.5 yards

To see what others have done with their stash go visit Judy L's site Patchwork Times.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Guild Newsletter

I've spent part of the day working on the guild newsletter.  I wish that I could figure out a different view for the back page that I liked to work with and that was easy to read.  The last page has all the officers listed with their phone numbers.  The new president would like her email address instead.  Problem is this is posted on a web site and I don't feel that everyone's email should be made public.  Mine is as I'm the editor of the newsletter.  I have had my email hijacked a few times and DH has made it right.  Now we have massive protection.  I don't know how he does it as he is an IT director at work.  I don't ask. 

I'm thinking about starting a hand applique project that I can take with me when I have to take grandchildren to appointments.  I typically sit and read but I think that I would like some hand work to do instead.  I'm working on some designs in my head that I want to put on paper and see what it looks like.  I wanted the ideas to stew for a while to see if someone else had already put them on paper or pattern form.

Time to get back to the newsletter!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guild Quilt Show

What a busy weekend at the quilt show!  I spent most of my days running the tea room.  I'm a good choice as I'm a diabetic and have learned that I can't eat all the baked goods that are brought.  I did have a single chocolate chip cookie as that was in my limits of what I could eat.  My son made a buttermilk pie that was to die for, so I heard.  He studied to be a french chef for a while before he decided that it wasn't for him.  He makes great pie crust and cakes now.

I did see the show on Sunday afternoon.  It was very pretty and busy with people.  We had quite a few more visitors on Sunday than Saturday.  I'm not sure as it normally works the other way for every other show I have attended at guild.  The person in charge seems to think that because of the SU football game and the local shop hop, we didn't have many visitors on Saturday.  Hopefully we made a profit, as this is the money for the next two years of programs.

I should have taken my camera with me.  It didn't occur to me until after I was there.

I'm now working on a quilt for one of my friends.  Her husband has cancer and it doesn't look good.  I'm hoping that the doctor is wrong as they have been married a year.  She had finally found her soul mate and it looks like she may lose him.  My prayers are with them constantly. 

Time to work on the newsletter for October.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cutting out some blocks

Yesterday I cut blocks out for the guild 2nd place winner.  From all the scraps I had left I had enough to make 2 blocks.  With the two blocks I had, and the two I cut, a table runner and a pillow will be made.  Hopefully someone will appreciate what I'm working on.  I will try to take some pictures but I just figured out why I've had so many problems with my camera.  The battery has gone completely dead and won't work at all.  Time for a new battery or maybe a new camera. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tissue Holders

I finally finished my tissue holders yesterday and turned them in.  Now I can start working on the other projects that I need to get done.  Here is the picture of the 30 of them.  The guild made 525 of them.  Hopefully it will be enough for our guest at the quilt show.
The colors aren't true to life as the ones that look blue are purple.  The hardest part was turning them and pressing them.  I think I may be making some for the local meals on wheels to go with the placemats that we make at Christmas time for them.  I think that would be a great gift around the holiday time.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stash Report - Sept. 8, 2013

Well, I can honestly say I haven't done much sewing and I need to get something done for our quilt show in 2 weeks.  I have been designing stuff on the computer and on graph paper.  I prefer the computer but currently I'm out of colored ink for the printer and have just discovered that I can't get ink anymore for that printer.  I really don't want to purchase toner cartridges for the color laser printer.

I have a table runner that is almost quilted and I want to finish it for the show.  I also have the top which was posted on June 29th.  I hope to get it quilted and bound for the show.  I am also thinking about our challenge for the show and I may have something to finish from a class I took in thread painting.  It actually will go great for the challenge so I will be working on that tonight or tomorrow. 

With all of that I have nothing in and no finishes, so nothing out.

Used this Week:                       0 yards
Used year to Date:                2.5 yards
Added this Week:                    0 yards
Added Year to Date:                0 yards
Net Used for 2013:                2.5 yards

To see what others have done with their stash go visit Judy L's site Patchwork Times.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Vacation is over for another year

Vacation, a time to relax and enjoy.  We went to Vermont.  Bennington is a nice small community that has a rural feel to it.  I love to go and visit Hubby's family there.  I would love to move there if hubby could find a job near there.  He would like it too.  We discussed it again this year that maybe we should think about moving as my job is gone.  The company closed shop and my choices if I return to the same job are in Detroit, Michigan or Muncie, Indiana.  Neither appeal to me.  Neither does leaving my friends and family that live here.  My dad would visit me and I'm sure that one of my sister's would too.  His siblings probably wouldn't miss us as they don't talk to each other. 

We had fun and that was the main objective.  We finally got to meet his cousin's children.  One boy and two girls and his cousin has her hands full.  Ted just started kindergarten, Annie is in arts preschool and Ellie is going to be two next week and is also starting preschool.  I don't know how Christy keeps it straight on where everyone has to be and at what times. 

We did go shopping in Manchester.  It was fun to see all the outlet and regular stores that we don't have here in the Syracuse area.  I just wish that we could have found time to visit a quilt shop or two.  Maybe next year when we go. We also went to Garlic Fest.  That was fun!  There is a bunch of different foods made with garlic.  Shortbread cookies are good with garlic in them, bacon too.  Ice cream is also good with garlic in it.  Kettle corn with garlic is excellent!  They also have maple items, and this year I tried maple bourbon.  That was wonderful.  I may have to send for a bottle as they had sold out by the time I got back to buy a bottle to bring home.  I can see using maple bourbon instead of rum in rum balls.  Same for rum cake.  That would be a nice thanksgiving treat.

The leaves are starting to turn colors and the children have gone back to school. It is time to get busy quilting again!